Ali Abbas
Will be wild, and will be using only hand driven and regular hand tools. No automation tools, like CNC, 3D-Printers, Laser or Waterjets etc will be used. just good old 100% hand worked stuff. Dont see what it is, see what it wants to be, driven by this philosophy, I will do my best to honor the name I have given this build. I am more the type who rather starts modding than making great plans. I will start the first cuts this week. Its hard to describe in word what I picture, let my say that skulls, cross bones, sabre, flags, terasure maps and famous pirtes like Blackbeard and Morgan, as well as fictitious ones like Lomg John silver and Flint will all be pondered upon. No it has nothing to do with the Pirates of the Carribean films, but is of course directed at that era and all the famous pop cultrue motives and style we connect to that time and age. I will strive like I always do to combine the following modern hardware with the mentioned theme in such a way that they dont disharmonate the whole effort in any way